I miss you terribly Oreo. I see you everywhere at home but you are not here.

1. I miss your yowling for breakfast every morning. You trotted into our bedroom, jumped onto our bed and sniffed down our faces to wake us up. I could hear the clickety clack of your claws as you walked into our bedroom through the little cat door Adrian fixed for you. We were always afraid you will not be able to squeeze through one day as you were rather chubby. The door fits you just right now. But you didn’t have the chance to grow chubbier.
2. I miss the way you greeted me with your sweet meow every morning.
3. I miss the way you rubbed your body against our legs in excitement as we walked towards the kitchen to get you your breakfast. We almost fell over you many a times.
4. I miss the way you positioned your body to face your food shelf, pointing to us in eagerness and anticipation what you would like to eat for breakfast, mid- morning breakfast, lunch, teabreak, dinner and supper. You used to eat 6 meals day. You were always hungry and that explained your impressive size.
5. I miss the way you gobbled up your food with relish. Afterwhich you would praise the deliciousness of your michelin star gourmet with a lipsmacking meow, a cute meow that could only be made while you licked your lips in satisfaction. I miss that sound terribly. It makes me proud to be a cat mum that my cat kid approved of the cat gourmet.
6. I miss your lion king moments when you would climb up the high pedestal next to window, stuck your head out of the window grill and started surveying your wonderful kingdom below. I could not help but wanted to join you in your kingship at the window and enjoyed the view with you, my sire. You would always scowl at me when i do that as lowly servants like me, cannot share the same pedestal.
7. I miss your other lion king moment on the study table, where you did the same thing as above. I, your lowly servant would always hug you from the back while you survey your kingdom from the study room. You would always tolerate my impudence for a while, until you got irritated and shirked me off by climbing elegantly out of my hugs. I really miss those moments.
8. I miss the long, stressful and tiring days when i worked from home. You were always lying on the left side of my laptop with your belly up, sleeping soundly while i worked my ass off. I was so envious of you, i wished i am you.
9. I miss the playful and mischievous moments when you hid behind my laptop and tried to swipe my fingers on the keyboard with your paws as i tried to do some work. There were times when you went overboard and pounced on my hand and bit it like a mouse. It was painful but i deserved it because i ignored you.
10. I miss my major destressor. Just looking at you sleep and purr, heals the stress. Petting you reduced my surging cortisol when i was faced with problems and adverseries. How am i going to survive the days without you from now on?
11. I miss the way you walked all over my laptop to get attention. You almost sent out weird messages on Teams in my name many times.
12. I miss your singing when i played tbe piano. You were really a connoisseur when it came to music…haha. Only you appreciated my piano playing.
13. I miss your company when I painted. You exuded so much creative energy, you kept me going. Where am i going to get my creative juice from without my muse? I have also officially lost an avid fan for my paintings.
14. I miss the way you greeted me like a doggy when i came home from work. Sometimes i think you are a dog in cat’s clothes. I could hear you meow even before i reached the door. You greeted me excitedly by your loud meows. You did a rubby rub on my legs and then did a back roll with your belly up. You would then proceed to do a happy scratch on the door rug. You always brighten my day after a sucky day at the office.
15. I miss seeing you sitting on your favourite red chair in the living room. Your black and white fur stood out on the red chair. You looked extra handsome and regal.
16. I miss scolding you when you decimated my sofa. I knew you were obsessed with scratching the sofa and could not help your claws. Now i have your handiwork permanently on my sofa. I would gladly let you decimate the sofa further if you are still around. I have come to love your work of art on the sofa.
17. I miss seeing you decimate cardboards. You loved doing a happy scratchy scratch on your favourite cardboard that i always saved for you every time i have a delivery in carton boxes. You never failed to decimate the cardboards. I have saved your last and precious handiwork. I will continue your work of art into a priceless masterpiece.
18. I miss bathing you. You hated taking baths. You would scream at the top of your lungs every time we bathe you. I think the whole block could hear you. People think that we were torturing a cat. After the bath, you would ignore us and stayed angry the whole day, while you licked off the disgusting bath water with your tongue.
19. I miss clearing your kitty litter. I used to hate it but now knowing that i would never have a chance to clean my sire’s kitty litter ever again, i willingly devote myself to cleaning your pee and poo for life if you are still alive.
20. I miss you my sticky cookie, Oreo, because you stuck to me like glue every where i went in the house. You would place your head on my hand while i worked on my laptop, treating it as your personal pillow, until my hand went numb. You laid against my legs and place your head on my shin while we took naps together on the sofa. You sat on my feet with your dirty butt hole against my feet while i prepared food in the kitchen. You did that also while i took pees or dumps in the toilet. I miss feeling your warm and soft fur against my body.
21 i miss watching TV with you in the living room. You would sit quietly and patiently on your red chair while we watched boring movies one after another. I miss those moments.
22. I miss your “busybodiness”. You were inquisitive with everything new in the house. You would check out and sniffed every thing that we brought into the house. You would then claim it by rubbing your scent all over the item.
23. I miss brushing you. Your favourite spots were always the chin and neck areas, followed by the head. You would shake your hind legs in unison while we brushed you. I know it feels good.
24. I miss your silly zoomy zoom zoom. You would occasionally do a little dash around the house and ended it with a leap across a pile of mess in the living room, followed by a scratchy scratch on the door mat.
25. I miss the different sounds you made, low purrs, to the loud yowls, to the light rattling sound, to the cute meows, to the horiffic screams you made during bath times
26. I miss the sad look everytime we left the house for work.
27. I miss the blinks you gave me everyday. Your blinks were a way of saying “I love you”. I would always blink back at you. I love you soooooo very much. Don’t know how i will live without you. The house seems so quiet now without your presence.