Bouquet of Pansies


This vibrant painting showcases a bouquet of colorful pansies in a glass vase, symbolizing harmony, resilience, and the beauty of diversity. With its radiant hues and elegant design, it brings warmth, energy, and a cheerful touch of nature to any space, making it perfect for home décor or gifting.


Length 18cm
Height 24cm
Width 2cm
Color Green, Orange, Purple
Medium Acrylic
Support Canvas Board

When I created this painting, I wanted to celebrate the vivid, multi-hued beauty of pansies. Their soft, velvety petals, each adorned with unique patterns, remind me of nature’s endless creativity. This bouquet, resting in a delicate glass vase, is a tribute to their resilience and charm—pansies always seem to thrive, bringing joy and color wherever they bloom.

As I worked on this piece, I was inspired by how these flowers embody the idea of diversity and harmony. The array of purples, yellows, oranges, and reds come together to create a bouquet that is both vibrant and soothing. The deep background contrasts with the lively blooms, allowing their radiant colors to truly shine. This painting is meant to capture the essence of a cheerful moment, like a burst of spring that lasts all year.

Perfect for those who appreciate floral art with a touch of elegance, this painting brings warmth and energy to any space. Whether it graces your dining room, bedroom, or office, it serves as a reminder to embrace life’s small, colorful joys. Beyond decoration, this piece offers a moment of pause and gratitude for the beauty around us.

For collectors and those who love nature-inspired décor, this artwork is more than a painting—it’s a celebration of life, color, and the charm of delicate flowers. Let this bouquet of pansies bring joy and inspiration into your home.

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Green, Orange, Purple




Canvas Board


24cm x 18cm

Bouquet of Pansies

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