Original Acrylic Painting – Bouquet of Flowers


This vibrant floral painting showcases a bouquet of pink roses, purple asters, daisies, and golden accents in a glass vase, symbolizing harmony, beauty, and the joy of nature. With its rich colors and elegant design, it brings warmth, tranquility, and a timeless charm to any space, making it perfect for home décor or as a meaningful gift.


Length 24cm
Height 30cm
Width 2cm
Color Pink, Purple, White
Medium Acrylic
Support Canvas Board

When I created this painting, I wanted to capture the timeless elegance of a fresh bouquet. Each flower—pink roses, purple asters, delicate daisies, and golden accents—was chosen to convey a sense of harmony, celebration, and natural beauty. For me, arranging and painting this floral display felt like crafting a love letter to nature, highlighting its ability to bring warmth and joy into any space.

The glass vase reflects light and holds the bouquet in place, symbolizing the beauty of togetherness and how fragile yet precious moments in life can be. I painted the background with deep, rich tones to make the flowers pop, emphasizing their vibrancy and the energy they radiate.

This artwork is perfect for anyone who appreciates flowers as more than just decoration—they’re a reminder of life’s beauty and fleeting moments of joy. Whether displayed in a living room, dining area, or bedroom, this piece transforms any space into a haven of tranquility and elegance. It’s a celebration of nature’s artistry and a way to keep the freshness of flowers alive forever.

For collectors or those looking for a thoughtful gift, this painting offers more than decoration—it’s an enduring reminder of the simple pleasures that make life beautiful. Let this piece brighten your home and inspire gratitude for life’s natural wonders.

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Pink, Purple, White




Canvas Board


30cm x 24cm

Original Acrylic Painting - Bouquet of Flowers

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